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Please help support your interior public radio station we as celebrate our 42nd anniversary in 2023! . You can call in your pledge or sign up to be a member by dialing 1-800-605-KSKO (5756) or 907-524-3001 during our annual Membership Drive Monday June 5th to Saturday June 10th from 8:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m. 


By becoming a member or renewing a membership, it shows you value and support what KSKO has provided for the last 42 years.. the Regions only local news, information and entertainment source.


Your KSKO Membership allows KSKO to continue:

*To be a part of the in interior communities

*To air your messages and music requests

*To bring you local, Alaska and NPR news

*To bring you live interviews, entertainment and weather


In a society that has moved toward streaming we don’t always have the luxury of internet in Rural Alaska, but we DO have access to the radio.


Why do we need your support? The state has decreased our funding and we pay a substantial amount of money every month to deliver programming to McGrath and all the other villages we serve.   Your membership not only helps with these costs, but shows our funders that our listeners care and it’s worth their investment.




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